Management is “the process of dealing with or controlling things or people.” Leadership is “the action of leading a group of people or an organization.” “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” Peter D Drucker. Management involves the day-to-day actions within the business. It varies daily depending on what situations are presented and what manager level you are within the organization. Management should encompass Fayol's 14 Principles of Management. They include categories from Division of Work, Unity of Direction, Order, Equity, and the Stability of Tenure of Personnel. Managers will ensure the organization is equipped with the correct personnel and have a clear hierarchy of the management tree. Management will use Esprit de Corps to ensure the organization's culture is where it should be to achieve the goals and big-picture presented by the organization's leaders. “Management is, above all, a practice where art, science, and craft meet.” Henry Mintzberg. Leadership is responsible for the vision of the organization. Leaders are looking into the future and the big picture. A leader will have an overall vision or direction for where the organization is heading; they will paint a pretty picture for the future. “Successful leaders look beyond their field to discover new approaches, learn best practices, and push the margins. Then they pass on what they have learned.” James Kerr, Legacy. Leaders should influence and motivate the team. They aid others in achieving goals and set the bar for what they would like the outcome to be. When you are a leader, actions speak just as loudly as words. A leader of an organization is not a true leader if they want to see a change but then does not participate in the change themselves. People confuse management with leadership often, you do not have to be a manager to be a leader, but in my opinion, all managers are leaders. They might not be the company's visionary leaders, but they still represent authority, and for most, authority is leadership. The management team may not realize their impact as leaders within the organization. Having the management title will place a manager in a position where they are seen as leaders, whether they are comfortable with that role. It is of the utmost importance a manager realizes the ramifications of their roles and does not act against the leadership within the organization. A manager who is excellent at writing protocols and policies but fails at following them would represent poor leadership and management. On the other hand, a leader is not always a manager. Leaders can create a vision for the company. Sometimes, leaders know what the result should be but do not know how to get there. They cannot break down the process and create a step-by-step plan for getting there. Leaders know what they want, and they want to get there. Not all leaders possess the ability to create the process in which to get to the big picture. This is where management shines. Managers should be good at creating and implementing protocols and policies to aid the leader's vision. “Leaders instill in their people a hope for success and a belief in themselves. Positive leaders empower people to accomplish their goals.” Unknown author. Leaders should give management the resources needed to bring the vision to life. “Leaders create leaders by passing on responsibility, creating ownership, accountability, and trust.” James Kerr, Legacy. Management is charged with the responsibility of all aspects of the employee. They are responsible for hiring, terminating, performance reviews, and everything else. They get the call if someone is going to be late or out for the day. They will be responsible for finding someone to fill that role for the day, or often, they will have to fill it themselves. Management deals with any human resource issues that may arise, employee payroll, and overall employee training. Since managers are generally better with numbers and organization, they must receive the proper training on dealing with employees and human resources if they have not already. They are integrated with the team and serve as the middleman between the employees and the company's leadership. I believe they should ensure the employees are represented and considered when leadership has a new vision, doing so respectfully. Managers are problem solvers and quick thinkers. There are days when the entire focus is on putting out fires; other days, they work on preventing the subsequent “fire.” They are good with numbers and budgets, love reports, and have high organization. Managers, at times, are so inundated with functioning on the business that they can lose focus of the vision. Managers are doers and not always daydreamers. Leaders will challenge the status quo and everything that comes with it. They will coach the team through the changes, will inspire the team to improve, and can achieve the overall “buy-in” effect from the organization. Leaders do this through complete devotion to their long-term goals. Leaders not only talk the talk but walk the walk. They take steps towards their goals continually. They surround themselves with individuals who have similar characteristics. They set the bar for the work expected to be performed by those they lead. Leading by example, rarely having errors, and motivating others to achieve the same level are all aspects of a leader. If a leader makes a mistake or error, they should also show leadership qualities during that time. They can demonstrate to others the correct way to handle the situation if a mistake occurs in the future. Mistakes will happen, and it is essential that when they do, leaders show others how to handle and correct the mistake. Management and Leadership can be studied and improved with continuing education and on-the-job experience. I believe that you can train a person to be a good manager. Leadership, however, is a more natural characteristic. If you are a person who possesses both leadership and management skills, you are at an advantage in the workforce. Working with an organization supporting and continuing to aid your development will be highly important.
Kerr, J. (2013). Legacy: what the All Blacks can teach us about the business of life. London, U.K.: Constable.
Moshal, B. S. (2012). Principles of management. Cranbrook, Kent: Global Professional Publishing.